The Target ALS Annual Meeting is pleased to offer a mobile app.
Instructions to download the application will be provided to all registered participants on April 27, 2023

Networking Meetings

Networking meetings can be booked using the Target ALS mobile app, which will be released on April 27.  Anyone participating in the annual meeting (in-person or virtual) can request a private 1:1 meeting with a participant through the mobile app, The current registrant directory can be reviewed below.

Brigid Jensen Dr. Brigid Jensen
Thomas Jefferson University
Assistant Professor
Virtual Attendee
Kendall Jensen Kendall Jensen
Virtual Attendee
Changhe Ji Mr Changhe Ji
Virtual Attendee
Jie Jiang Jie Jiang
Emory University
Virtual Attendee
Jack Jin Jack Jin
Primary Peptides Inc
Virtual Attendee
James Jones James Jones
Harvard Medical School
Virtual Attendee
Chanelle Jumper Chanelle Jumper
Nereid Therapeutics
Principal Scientist
Virtual Attendee
Yong-Woo Jun Mr. Yong-Woo Jun
University of Massachusetts Medical School
postdoctoral researcher
Virtual Attendee
Brian Jurgielewicz Brian Jurgielewicz
Virtual Attendee
Yea Jin Kaeser-Woo Yea Jin Kaeser-Woo
Eli Lilly and Company
Virtual Attendee
Olga Kahn Dr. Olga Kahn
Biomarker Scientist
Virtual Attendee
Thomas Kaiser Dr Thomas Kaiser
Avicenna Biosciences, Inc.
Chief Scientific Officer
Virtual Attendee